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Harex – medical device for the management of male urinary incontinence

Medical device designed to improve the quality of life of men suffering from urinary incontinence.

Harex® has been developed to improve the quality of life of men suffering from urinary incontinence. It has been designed taking into account the anatomy of the penis, so that by placing Harex® behind the glans (head of the penis) and by gentle pressure on the urethra, it prevents and controls involuntary urine leakage. The proper placement of Harex® is achieved with the Urethral Pressure Pad (D) on the lower part of the penis shaft, where the urethra is located. At the same time, the flexible design of the belt that encircles the head of the penis and the lack of pressure on the sides of the penis ensure free blood circulation with Harex®.

Harex® is made of medical grade plastic materials and tested not to absorb liquids. It does not contain any metallic parts to ensure it goes unnoticed when passing through metal detectors (e.g. in airports or train stations). The set includes a plastic case (washable) for transporting and/or storing the device.


  • Outer dimensions: 48 mm x 54 mm (4.8 cm x 5.4 cm)
  • Belt Width: 18 mm (1.8 cm)
  • Distance between the urethral pressure pad in its upper position & the belt: 8 mm (0.8 cm)
  • Weight: 18 g
harex Greece

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Place it along the shaft of the penis. 

Recommendation: Place it just behind the head of the penis (glans).

Important: The proper placement of Harex® is achieved with the Urethral Pressure Pad on the lower part of the penis shaft, where the urethra is located


1. Move down the belt adjustment lever and loosen the belt.

2. Introduce the penis into the device.

3. Adjust the belt to the contour of the penis.

4. Move upward the belt adjustment lever to lock the belt.

5. To block the urethra, move the urethral pressure activator to its upper position.


6.1 Unblock the urethra by moving the urethral pressure activator to its lower position. 6.2 Urinate.

7. Upon completion, to block the urethra move the urethral pressure activator (Α) to its upper position.


8. Move the urethral pressure activator to its lower position.

9.1 Move down the belt adjustment lever and open the belt. 

9.2 Loosen completely the belt to remove the device. 

Optional: The belt has a ruler to mark its optimal position, facilitating its adjustment.

Urinate every 2-3 hours and/or whenever you feel the urge. 

  • It is recommended to rest the penis during sleeping hours by removing Harex®. If overnight use of Harex® is necessary, loosen the strap to a lighter pressure.
  • Incorrect and/or excessive use of Harex® may cause skin irritation and/or discomfort and/or slight pain.
  • In case of discomfort and/or slight pain, make sure that the device is correctly placed. Also, ensure there are no creases in the skin of the penis. In case of continued discomfort, try a looser fit.
  • Do not use Harex® if you have open wounds and/or cutaneous irritation on the skin of the penis.
  • In case of repeated urethral strictures, consult your doctor before using Harex®.
  • For effective use, the length of the penis shaft should be >2 cm.

Wash the device by hand with soap and warm water.

You are using Harex® at your own risk. If you have a medical problem other than urinary incontinence, consult your doctor before using Harex®. If you experience problems, stop using the device immediately and inform your doctor. It is recommended to replace Harex® after 12 months of use. For more information, please visit


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Enteral nutrition products are prescribed in certain cases and by specific physician specialties.

In case of prescription and approval by the National Organization for the Provision of Health Services (EOPYY) the insured person does not pay anything, the full cost is covered.

You can call us daily from 9 am to 5 pm (Monday-Friday) or you can send us an email at 24/7.

On weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm via telephone or 24/7 via email.

For orders within Athens, estimated delivery time is 24 hours.